August 29, 2008

Al Gore and Obama address

The final day of the DNC was better than the other nights I saw. I liked Al Gore's speech. It was somewhat bitter, but I can't blame him for that. It was a straight forward message that hit on all the shortcomings of the past 8 years. I'm glad he spoke on it with clarity. Also, there is a real difference in passion when he speaks of climate change vs anything else. That difference in passion is probably why he's doing the best thing for himself by staying out of politics and sticking to promoting climate change awareness.

Obama's speech was... wow. I can't recall a better speech. It lacked specifics that would quell my hesitation concerning Obama's support of civil liberties, but barring that it was perfect.

On Tuesday I commented on Digg just how pointless this whole circle jerk exercise was, but I have to admit that this speech mattered. Color me impressed.

August 26, 2008


I tried to watch the DNC, but there was just too much bullshit for me to sit through. I find real infomercials more entertaining.

No one told me that Infected Mushroom is playing this Sat in Baltimore. I wish I knew on MOnday, I wouldn't have indulged myself. LOL

Caught up on some movies I wanted to watch. You know, it's real hard to watch people speak in other languages without subtitles. What I found really odd in Where in the World is Osama bin Laden, is that Morgan Spurlock speaks English, and people respond in Arabic. No translator. It's like if I was in Star Trek and my universal translator is broken. What the hell?

Bigger, Stonger, Faster was really good, but also really pro-steroids. I place steroids in the recreational drugs class. People I think should be able to use them, but they have to assume the risks involved. I don't think they harm society enough to be banned, but I have an admittedly high threshold of what I would allow individuals to take part in. That's just me. I'd never do it, but I'm not a gym rat. If some other dude or woman is, that's their business.

Also saw the John Reilly film The Promotion. It was ok. I don't really have a lot to say about it.

Next on my list is Transsiberian.

I decided to slow down on running this week. It's been hard the past few weeks and I want a little break. Probably will still run today just because, but yeah, I want to be a little lazy.

And I need to go grocery shopping.

August 21, 2008

This election will suck, and let me tell you why.

McCain is ahead in the polls.

Obama resorts to personal attacks.

Bob Barr is running as a libertarian.

August 18, 2008

Why Cantor is on the VP short list...

Isn't it obvious why Eric Cantor (US Rep for West Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield) is on McCain's not-so-short VP list?

He's a body double for Steven Colbert. Just look.

August 14, 2008

I want this as a t-shirt. I think it sums up the election in a nutshell.

Selfish conceited thought for the day

It turns me off to hear about your friend's exploits.

I hang out with you, and you I consider a good person. And you know what, I care. I want to know what you've done lately. I really do. I'm not a heartless bastard motherfucker. But you want to know what's not a good story- some random story about your friend and some other person. I don't really know your friends. I don't really care. I get kinda bored when you run off on tangents like that. I don't really care what your friend did at the club or who they were with while your ass was home. All you're telling me is that you don't go out as much as you'd like to... and while you might be happy to live vicariously through your friends, I really couldn't care less.


August 4, 2008


Personal note, I’ve had a hard time sleeping… Kind of effects me at work and afterward. Just don’t have the energy to do much of anything.

Digg is like the unofficial Obama website. I’m starting to tire of reading about every little thing McCain does stupid. It would be one thing if this was the Daily Show, and they are posing fun at him, but every little quip makes “Popular”, outside of any real perspective. If there was some BIG news, then it should be front page. But everything is front page, so there’s no differentiating and its getting tiresome. By November, I’m not going to care, and I imagine other people will be burned out too. In the end, having people being burned out in November is a bad thing.

That said, seeing McCain’s comeback in the poll is the perhaps the best reason to re-energize Obama. Regardless of however “typical politician” I think Obama is, I don’t think the country can handle 4 years of McCain 2008.

The ebay stuff is going well. Spent $160 on 11 blu-ray titles. It’s under the $20 average Amazon price which is good. Got another 14 blu-ray movies from Amazon that were on sale, and then picked up 6 more from CL. That should build up my Blu-Ray collection, so combined with the HD DVDs I should have a healthy High Def DVD Catalog. Just have to wait for everything to arrive now.

The Media Server’s Hard Drive situation is finally resolved. 3TB running now. I did decide to sell my old LCD monitor and am replacing it with a matching 2nd Dell LCD, also getting a 9600GT for dual DVI goodness. It’s amazing what $100 will buy now in terms of graphics power.