August 26, 2008


I tried to watch the DNC, but there was just too much bullshit for me to sit through. I find real infomercials more entertaining.

No one told me that Infected Mushroom is playing this Sat in Baltimore. I wish I knew on MOnday, I wouldn't have indulged myself. LOL

Caught up on some movies I wanted to watch. You know, it's real hard to watch people speak in other languages without subtitles. What I found really odd in Where in the World is Osama bin Laden, is that Morgan Spurlock speaks English, and people respond in Arabic. No translator. It's like if I was in Star Trek and my universal translator is broken. What the hell?

Bigger, Stonger, Faster was really good, but also really pro-steroids. I place steroids in the recreational drugs class. People I think should be able to use them, but they have to assume the risks involved. I don't think they harm society enough to be banned, but I have an admittedly high threshold of what I would allow individuals to take part in. That's just me. I'd never do it, but I'm not a gym rat. If some other dude or woman is, that's their business.

Also saw the John Reilly film The Promotion. It was ok. I don't really have a lot to say about it.

Next on my list is Transsiberian.

I decided to slow down on running this week. It's been hard the past few weeks and I want a little break. Probably will still run today just because, but yeah, I want to be a little lazy.

And I need to go grocery shopping.

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