August 29, 2008

Al Gore and Obama address

The final day of the DNC was better than the other nights I saw. I liked Al Gore's speech. It was somewhat bitter, but I can't blame him for that. It was a straight forward message that hit on all the shortcomings of the past 8 years. I'm glad he spoke on it with clarity. Also, there is a real difference in passion when he speaks of climate change vs anything else. That difference in passion is probably why he's doing the best thing for himself by staying out of politics and sticking to promoting climate change awareness.

Obama's speech was... wow. I can't recall a better speech. It lacked specifics that would quell my hesitation concerning Obama's support of civil liberties, but barring that it was perfect.

On Tuesday I commented on Digg just how pointless this whole circle jerk exercise was, but I have to admit that this speech mattered. Color me impressed.

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