November 3, 2008

In Search of a Midnight Kiss & Traitor

Saw 2 movies over the weekend. In Search of a Midnight Kiss was an indie romantic comedy, and actually surprisingly good. Quirky, slightly cliche, but I have to admit I loved the performances, and the ending wasn't typical. I have to admit I loved how the film skipped through parts of LA, where the city set an interesting backdrop to a lot of dialog. It's a movie that felt like it was mostly filmed on location, but the location wasn't closed down. Life just went on around the characters as it normally would, and that added something to the realism the movie wanted to imply. Love is sometimes messy, and doesn't end well, but it's the journey as much as the destination.

The other movie was Traitor, starring the man who would replace Terrance Howard in Iron Man. One of the better War on Terror movies, since the movie has come and left, I will spoil some of the movie. Personally, I think I would have preferred it if Don Cheadle was simply a terrorist vs an agent. The movie lost a fair amount of the energy when it became clear that he was deep cover. Personally I hope someone looks at this movie, and decides to make a evil Bond movie. And I don't mean Bond going rogue for personal reasons, but Bond working for the bad guys, and maybe even winning for the bad guys. Kind of like No Country for Old Men. Don was great in the movie, and honestly I like Guy Pierce's performance too, but towards the end it became kind of conventional, and a non-major movie like this has to be non-conventional.

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