May 22, 2007

First Post

Feeling tired, not really too interested in doing a lot tonight. I've wanted to migrate to blogger for a while, finally decided just to type something. I might play around with the format a little over time. LJ is more or less dead for me. There's stuff to say, but I guess I just wanted to try out a new pen and paper to write it on. I think on a place less built around community I will feel more free to say what I want. Chances are that will break down to how many IRL people read this. Probably few to non, so it'll be good.

This weekend is Whistle, and there's a good chance I won't go this year. It's just so fuckin' crowded. While its size and scale makes it one of the few must attend events, I think I'll enjoy other stuff like Starscape and Gaian Mind more, so that's probably where I'll go. Also considering that there's probably no way I can talk Ashley to go as well. I feel torn between her displeasure at the various things that I enjoy, and my desire to be around here when I'm out enjoying myself. My mood is often soured when I'm out enjoying myself, and realizing that she isn't there. Never sharing my happiness with her is one of the worst aspects of our relationship. I don't think she realizes that.

I wanted to do a post on the HTPC fora while, but since I'm no where near it, then there's no real point. Not that I have done anything special, but I'm privately pleased with how well it has gone. I think I'm going to add HD-DVD support. Blu-Ray just costs too much for its limited appeal. It'll be cheaper for me just to get a standalone HD-DVD player, but the fun of having it on the computer makes that a bit more worthwhile. Hopefully improved Vista MC support for HD-DVD will come as well.


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